Understanding version control is a fundamental skill when working within an IT environment. I have a good understanding of the Git platform. My knowledge with GIT are:
- Basic Git workflow
- Backtrack in GIT
- Git Branching
- Working with Git in a Team environment.
I have also successfully completed Codecademy’s GIT course.
HTML and CSS are the foundation of all web pages. HTML is just the beginning of creating and engaging web pages. With some CSS on top, you can make web pages into a work of art! My skills in this are:
- Elements and structures
- Tables
- Forms
- Semantic HTML
- Syntax and selectors
- Visual Rules
- Flex box modelling
- Display and positioning
- Colors
- Typography
With the rising popularity of Python, it has become one of the most sought-after and widely used programming languages in the industry. With this language having such a range of application I have set my focus to the following skillset to become a professional Python Developer.
- Expertise In Core Python
- Good grasp of Web Frameworks
- Object Relational Mappers
- Data Science
- Machine Learning and AI
- Analytical skills
- Design Skills
As a hobbyist I have created many projects with Microcontrollers using the C++ platform. This language was my first language that I learnt and gave me an understanding of the fundamental of programming. I now have a solid understanding of:
- Variables
- Conditionals and logic
- Loops
- Vectors
- Functions
My background
My previous career was as an Electrical Instrumentation Technician. I had been working within this space for the last 10 years. This not only did it give me a broad knowledge of electrical apparatuses but also gave me skills with the industrial IT systems. Throughout my career I have proved myself as being an honest, proactive person that works well within a team environment. I can also work well autonomously and can effectively troubleshoot, and problem solve tasks under high-pressure situations. I believe these qualities also transfer over to any other challenges I face.
Have a look at my resume which also include some of my references.